David Best

Hello, I'm David Best, co-founder | President of Towel & Basin, a not-for-profit charitable organization. I'm also owner of DBest Enterprises and Highley Music Company.

David Best, through his singing, speaking, and writing, has challenged thousand of people to "be your best." In addition to his published recordings, books, and courses, David Best has made personal appearances singing, speaking and consulting in over 24 countries around the world.

David Best's Background

David Best's Experience

Senior Pastor & Executive Director at The Lamb's Church of the Nazarene & The Lamb's Center

1987 - 1994

Director of Compassionate Ministries at Los Angeles District Church of the Nazarene

May 1987 - October 1987

Pastor at Trinity Church of the Nazarene

August 1983 - April 1987

Director of College Career Youth, Editor of ONE magazine at Church of the Nazarene

1980 - 1983

Owner at Highley Music Company


Cofounder/President at Towel & Basin


David Best's Education

Azusa Pacific University

1995 – 1997


Concentration: Theology & Ethics

Nazarene Theological Seminary

1982 – 1982

Fuller Theological Seminary

1979 – 1980

Point Loma Nazarene University

1979 – 1979

Point Loma Nazarene University

1968 – 1972


Concentration: History

Activities: Crusader's Quartet Cultural Arts Committee Kappa Phi Kappa Male Chorale

David Best's Interests & Activities

Personal development, music, speaking, finely printed books, history, heritage and eco-tourism, social entrepreneurism, volunteer service, community organizing, nonviolent resistance for social change, ethics, spirituality and social justice